“We are the authors of our own destiny, and God does not save us without our help…”
-From Ch. 20 of Dogma of High Magic by Eliphas Levi
God Created Man in and of Himself. Now Man must create God from and in himself. This is what we are learning: the science of self-realization. First we have to understand how God created us, then we will know how to create (that is, to develop or germinate) God within ourselves.
For the past 2 classes we have discussed
• the Law of Three (the Three Primary Forces of the Verb),
• and the Law of Seven (the Musical Scale of DO-RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA-SI/TI);
• we also talked about the Esoteric Atoms and the C.O.N.H. of Occult Chemistry.
In the next part of our classes, we are going to discuss how the Law of Octaves works with the Law of Three and the Law of Seven in order to manifest the Matter and Force (the Substance and Laws) in the Ray of Creation.
Theses are the topics we are studying in the class below, regarding the Law of Octaves and its relation to Matter and Creation:
• the type of Matter in each Cosmos corresponds to the number of laws in that Cosmos
• the DO of the Scale influences the pitch of the rest of the Notes
• and there are “Intervals/Pauses” between some Notes in an Octave because of the interrelation of Notes to each other in the Scale.
The Cosmos, their Laws and Matter
“The PROTOCOSMOS, or First Cosmos is infinitely divine, and ineffable, in it there does not exist any mechanical principle, it is governed by the Unique Law. In the Absolute, there exists the most complete freedom, and absolute happiness, because everything is governed by the Unique Law. In the Absolute, there exists no mechanicity whatsoever, and the most complete Blessedness reigns there. As we distance more and more from the Absolute, we penetrate into more and more complicated worlds where automatism, mechanicity and pain are introduced.
In the 2nd Cosmos of 3 Laws, the AYOCOSMOS (Planets, Suns, Firmaments), the joy is incomparable because Materialism is less. How different is the 3rd Cosmos, governed by 6 Laws, the MACROCOSMOS (our Galaxy, The Milky Way), here materialism increases. The 4th Cosmos, the DEUTEROCOSMOS (our Solar System) is governed by 12 Laws and we find that Matter is much denser. The 5th Cosmos, the MESOCOSMOS (the Planetary worlds) is governed by 24 Four Laws. If we study the 6th Cosmos, we can see that the MICROCOSMOS (the Planet Earth and the Human Being) is governed by 48 Laws.
The 7th Cosmos, the TRITOCOSMOS (the Infernal Worlds) beneath the crust of the Planet in which we live, is governed by 96 Laws. Here we enter the kingdom of the crude materialism… In the 1st Infradimensional Zone, the density has frightfully increased. The 2nd Infernal Zone is governed by 192 laws, and the 3rd is governed by 288 laws, etc. Materialism increases in a frightening and terrifying form.
By submerging ourselves within Laws which are more complex, we obviously make ourselves progressively more independent of the Will of the Absolute and we fall into the mechanical complication of Nature.
If we wish to reconquer authentic Freedom, we must liberate ourselves from all this mechanicity and all these Laws and return to the Father.
We must struggle so as to Liberate ourselves from the 48, 24, 12, 6 and 3 Laws in order to really return to the Absolute.”
-Paraphrase from Ch. 52 of Tarot & Kabbalah
The purpose of understanding all of this is to recognize our present position (the place we occupy) in the Cosmos so that we can Free ourselves from the Laws which govern us and the Mechanicity that we live in.
As we discussed in the previous class, there are 4 types of Matter:
1. Carbon (C.) which corresponds to the First Primary force
2. Oxygen (O.) which corresponds to the Second Primary force
3. Nitrogen (N.) which corresponds to the Third Primary force
4. Hydrogen (H.) which corresponds to No Force, it is Free from the influence of any force
“The term hydrogen has an extensive meaning in Gnosticism. Any simple element is actually a hydrogen of a certain density.”
-From Chapter 8 of the Supreme Message of Christmas 1966-1967 by Samael Aun Weor
(published under the title: “The Buddha’s Necklace”,
also published in English as “Light from Darkness”)
The easiest way to understand what Hydrogen (or the type of ‘Matter’ that) is related to a given Cosmos, is to just use the number of corresponding laws of that Cosmos in order to distinguish it.
So Hydrogen-48 corresponds to the Microcosmos, the 6th Order of Worlds, the Human Being and is related with the Physical and Vital Bodies. Hydrogen-24 corresponds to the Mesocosmos, the 5th Order of Worlds, the Planetary Worlds and is related with the Astral Body. Hydrogen-12 corresponds to the Deuterocosmos, the 4th Order of Worlds, the Sun & the Solar System and is related with the Mental Body. And Hydrogen-6 corresponds to the Macrocosmos, the 3rd Order of Worlds, the Galaxy and is related with the Causal Body.
The Universe and Vibration
“The number of fundamental laws which govern all processes (both in the world and in the human being) is very small. Different numerical combinations of a few elementary forces create all the seeming variety of phenomena. In order to understand the mechanics of the universe it is necessary to reduce complex phenomena into elementary forces.
The first fundamental law of the universe is the Will of the Father, the Will of the Absolute. The second fundamental law is the law of three forces, or three principles, or, as it is often called, the law of three. According to this law every action, every phenomenon in all worlds (without exception), is the result of a simultaneous action of three forces: the positive, the negative, and the neutralizing.
The next fundamental law of the universe is the law of seven and the law of octaves. In order to understand the meaning of this law it is necessary to see the universe as consisting of vibrations.
These vibrations proceed within all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter which constitute the universe, from the finest to the roughest. They issue from various sources and proceed in various directions, crossing one another, colliding, strengthening, weakening, arresting one another, etc.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
The Continuity of Vibrations
In the image to the right, there is a gun being shot underwater (the bullet is traveling in the medium of water instead of air), notice the bullet [in the left of the image] slowing down very quickly as compared to how it would travel in the air. This demonstrates that the medium affects the force’s influence.
“Typically we consider vibrations to be continuous, meaning that they proceed uninterruptedly as long as the force of the original impulse continues to act and overcomes the resistance of the medium in which the vibration proceeds. When the force of the impulse becomes exhausted and the resistance of the medium gains the upper hand then the vibrations naturally die down and stop.
But until this moment is reached (until the beginning of the natural weakening), the vibrations develop uniformly and gradually, and, in the absence of resistance, can even be endless. Therefore, one of the fundamental propositions of modern physics is the continuity of vibrations.
But the view of ancient knowledge is opposed to that of contemporary science because at the base of the understanding of vibrations ancient knowledge places the principle of the discontinuity of vibrations.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
The Discontinuity of Vibrations
“The principle of the discontinuity of vibration means that the definite and necessary characteristic of all vibrations in nature, (whether ascending or descending), is that they do not develop uniformly but instead with periodical accelerations and decelerations.”
What happens is that the original impulse in vibrations does not act uniformly instead it is alternately stronger and weaker, something like the movement of waves in the ocean…
“The force of the impulse acts without changing its nature and vibrations develop in a regular way only for a certain time. The development of vibrations is determined by the nature of the impulse, the medium, the conditions, etc. This is because, at a certain moment a kind of change takes place in the impulse and the vibrations cease to obey it and for a short time they slow down and may even change their nature or direction; for example, ascending and descending vibrations at a certain moment begin to progress (in their respective directions) more slowly…
After this temporary deceleration, the vibrations again enter the former channel and for a certain time ascend or descend uniformly up to a certain moment when a check in their development again takes place. Note that the periods of uniform action of the momentum are not equal and that the moments of deceleration of the vibrations are not symmetrical. One period is shorter, the other is longer.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
The Intervals/Pauses or Deceleration of Vibrational Movement
“In order to determine these moments of deceleration, (which are the checks in the ascent and descent of vibrations), the lines of development of vibrations are divided into periods corresponding to the doubling or the halving of the number of vibrations in a given space of time.
Let us imagine a line of increasing vibrations. Let us take them at the moment when they are vibrating at the rate of one thousand a second. After a certain time the number of vibrations is doubled, and reaches two thousand.
1000 2000
FIG. 7It has been found and established that in this interval of vibrations, between the given number of vibrations and a number twice as large, there are two places where a deceleration in the increase of vibrations takes place. One is nearer to the beginning, but not at the beginning itself. The other occurs near the end.
1000 2000
FIG. 8The laws which govern the deceleration or the deflection of vibrations from their primary direction were known to ancient science. These laws were incorporated into a particular formula or diagram which has been preserved up to our times. In this formula the period in which vibrations are doubled was divided into eight unequal steps corresponding to the rate of increase in the vibrations.
The eighth step repeats the first step with double the number of vibrations. This period of the doubling of the vibrations, or the line of the development of vibrations, between a given number of vibrations and double that number, is called an octave, that is to say, composed of eight.
In very remote times one of the ancient mystery schools found that it was possible to apply this formula to music and our western seven-tone musical scale was obtained as a result. The seven-tone scale is the formula of a cosmic law which was worked out by ancient schools and applied to music.
But if we apply this same formula of the law of octaves, we will also be able to see it in other places: in light, heat, chemical, magnetic, and other vibrations which are all subject to the same laws as sound vibrations. A study of the structure of the seven-tone musical scale gives a very good foundation for understanding the cosmic law of octaves.
The differences in the notes or the differences in the pitch of the notes are called Intervals or Pauses. There are 2 Intervals/Pauses where the least Growth occurs (as compared to the momentum of the movement), in a descending octave it is between MI and FA and between SI and DO.”
This is where vibrational deceleration in the octave takes place.
“If we grasp its full meaning the law of octaves gives us an entirely new explanation of the progress and development of phenomena of the universe. This law explains why there are no straight lines in nature and why development (in any sphere) always encounters certain plateaus or stops in progress at different times. All this is the direct effect of the ‘Intervals/Pauses’, or decelerations in the development of vibrations.
What exactly does happen at the moment of the deceleration of vibrations? A deviation from the original direction takes place. Lets say that this octave begins in one direction (shown by the arrow) [see Figure 12].
But a deviation takes place between MI and FA; the line which began at DO changes its direction through FA, SOL, LA, and SI, then it descends at an angle from its original direction, (shown by the first three notes) [see Figure 13].
Between SI and DO the second ‘interval’ occurs another deviation, a further change of direction [see Figure 14].
The next octave gives an even more of a marked deviation. And the one following that has an even stronger deviation from the original DO.
All this occurs in such a way that the line of octaves can, in the end, turn completely around and proceed in a direction totally opposite to the original direction [see Figure 15].
Finally, the line of octaves or the line of development of vibrations can even return to the original direction, in other words, make a complete circle [see
Figure 16].
This law shows:
1. why straight lines never occur in our activities,
2. why, having begun to do one thing, we in fact constantly do something entirely different, often the opposite of the first, (although we do not notice this and continue to think that we are doing the same thing that we began to do).All this and many other things can only be explained with the help of the law of octaves together with an understanding of the role and significance of ‘Intervals/Pauses’ which cause the line of the development of force to constantly change, to go in a broken line, to turn round, to become its ‘own opposite’ and so on.
We can observe this in every sphere of life and especially in our own Psychology.
After a certain period of energetic activity or strong emotion or a right understanding a reaction comes, then work becomes tedious and tiring; moments of fatigue and indifference enter into feeling; and instead of right thinking: a search for compromises begins; followed by: suppression, evasion of difficult problems, etc.
The development of the force may continue but the work which was begun with great enthusiasm has become an obligatory and useless formality. This is because a number of entirely foreign elements have entered into the scene —consideration (considering), vexation, irritation, hostility. Our thoughts go around in a circle, repeating what was known before, and the way out which had previously been found now becomes more and more lost.
The law of octaves explains many phenomena in our lives which are incomprehensible:
1) First is the principle of the deviation of forces.
2) Second is the fact that nothing in the world stays in the same place, or remains what it was, everything moves, everything is going somewhere, is changing, and inevitably either develops or goes down, weakens or degenerates, that is to say, it moves along either an ascending or a descending line of octaves.
3) And third, that in the actual development itself (of both ascending and descending octaves), fluctuations, or ‘rises and falls’ are constantly taking place.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
Misconceptions about the Development of Vibrational Movement
“We have spoken so far mostly about the discontinuity of vibrations and about the deviation of forces. We must now clearly grasp two other principles:
1. the inevitability of either ascent or descent in every line of development of forces,
2. and also the periodic fluctuations, that is, rises and falls, in every line whether ascending or descending.”
Why? Because nothing can develop by staying on one level. We can not change by staying the same…
“Ascent or descent is the inevitable cosmic condition of any action. We neither understand nor see what is going on around and within us. This is because
1) either we do not recognize the inevitability of descent when there is no ascent,
2) or because we take descent to be ascent.We do not see the first one because we think that things can remain at the same level for a long time.”
And we do not see the second because we do not realize that progress is impossible without overcoming the corresponding resistance and we believe that the changes which are occurring are an ascent (or progress), when they are really just a descent caused by an Interval/Pause.
So the key to overcoming the resistance represented by the Interval/Pause is to learn the difference between ascending and descending octaves in our lives.
“Then we must learn to distinguish the ascent and descent within the octaves themselves.
Whatever sphere of our life we take we can see that nothing can ever remain level and constant; everywhere and in everything the swinging of the pendulum proceeds, everywhere and in everything the waves rise and fall.
• Our energy in one direction or another which suddenly increases and afterwards just as suddenly weakens.
• Our moods which ‘become better’ or ‘become worse’ without any visible reason;
• Our feelings, our desires, our intentions, our decisions —all from time to time pass through periods of ascent or descent, becoming stronger or weaker.
• And there are perhaps a hundred pendulums moving here and there within us.These ascents and descents, these wave-like fluctuations of moods, thought, feelings, energy, determination, are both periods of the development of forces between ‘Intervals/Pauses’ in the octaves as well as the ‘Intervals/Pauses’ themselves.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
Development in Interrupted and Uninterrupted Vibrational Movement
“Observations based on an understanding of the law of octaves show that ‘vibrations’ may develop in different ways. In interrupted octaves they merely begin and fall, are drowned or swallowed up by other, stronger, vibrations which intersect them or which go in an opposite direction.
In octaves which deviate from the original direction the vibrations change their nature and give results opposite to those which might have been expected at the beginning. And it is only in octaves of a cosmic order, both descending and ascending, that vibrations develop in a consecutive and orderly way, following the same direction in which they started.
Further observations show that a right and consistent development of octaves, although rare, can be observed in all the occasions of life and in the activity of nature and even in human activity. The right development of these octaves is based on an intersection of another octave at the moment of the interval which assists the vibration in continuing its development.
What sometimes happens is that other octaves going parallel to the given octave, intersect or meeting it, in some way or another and fill up its ‘Intervals/Pauses’ and make it possible for the vibrations of the given octave to develop… Observation of such rightly developing octaves establishes the fact that:
• if at the necessary moment, (at the moment when the given octave passes through an ‘interval’), there enters into it an ‘additional shock’ of corresponding force and character,
• then it will develop further without hindrance along the original direction, neither losing anything nor changing its nature.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
This is a particular Shock that enables the interval to be filled so that the vibrational movement can continue.
The Descending Vibrational Movement
Note that there is a difference in the location of the ‘shocks’ for ascending vs. descending octaves. We will talk about the ascending octaves later on, but for now, we are going to study how descending octaves work.
“In a descending octave, the greatest ‘interval’ occurs at the very beginning of the octave, immediately after the first DO and the material for filling it is very often found either in DO itself or in the lateral vibrations evoked by DO.
For this reason a descending octave develops much more easily than an ascending octave and in passing beyond SI it reaches FA without hindrance; here an ‘additional shock’ is necessary, though considerably less strong than the first ‘shock’ between DO and SI.
In the big cosmic octave, which reaches us in the form of the ray of creation, we can see the first complete example of the law of octaves.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
The Ray of Creation
“The ray of creation begins with the Absolute. The Absolute is the All/Everything. The All/Everything, possessing full unity, full will, and full consciousness, creates worlds within itself, in this way beginning the descending world octave. The Absolute is the DO of this octave.
The worlds which the Absolute creates in itself are SI (all the Galaxies). The ‘interval’ between DO and SI in this case is filled by the will of the Absolute. The process of creation is developed further by the force of the original impulse and an ‘additional shock’.
SI passes into LA which for us is our stary world, the Milky Way (our Galaxy). LA passes into SOL—our sun, the solar system. SOL passes into FA—the planetary worlds.
And here between the planetary world as a whole and our earth occurs an ‘interval’ or ‘pause’. This means that the planetary radiations (which carry various influences to the earth) are unable to reach it, or, to speak more correctly, they are not received, the earth reflects them.
In order to fill the ‘interval’ at this point of the ray of creation a special apparatus is created for receiving and transmitting the influences coming from the planets. This apparatus is organic life on earth.
Organic life transmits to the earth all the influences intended for it and makes possible the further development and growth of the earth, MI of the cosmic octave, and then of the Abyss (the Submerged Mineral Kingdom) or RE, after which follows another DO—Nothing. The ray of creation passes between All/Everything and Nothing.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
Intervals/Pauses and Shocks in Vibrational Movement
“Let’s now understand the idea of the ‘additional shocks’ which make it possible for the lines of forces to reach a projected aim. Remember that shocks may occur accidentally, and that accidents are a very uncertain thing. But those lines of development of forces which are straightened out by accident, and which the human being can sometimes see, or suppose, or expect, create in us the illusion of straight lines.
That is to say, we think that straight lines are the rule and that broken and interrupted lines are the exception.”
But the opposite is actually more correct: broken and interrupted lines are the rule and straight lines are the exception…
“Octaves can develop consecutively and continuously in the desired direction only if ‘additional shocks’ enter them at the necessary moments, that is, at the moments when vibrations slow down. If ‘additional shocks’ do not enter at the necessary moments octaves change their direction.
To entertain hopes of accidental ‘shocks’ coming from somewhere by themselves at the moments necessary is, of course, unrealistic. The possibility of artificial, or specially created, ‘additional shocks’ is the real reason to the study of the law of octaves. If a person desires to step out of the role of passive spectator of that which is happening to and around them, then they must start applying these ‘artificial shocks’ to themselves.”
-Paraphrase from Ch.7 of In Search of the Miraculous
– = Read the NEXT PART = –